They are addictively delicious. In this recipe, it doesn’t matter if the butter is cooled or warm. It's really something incredible! Also, melting the butter instead of creaming it makes it too loose and I put it in the refrigerator. Hi was wondering about the baking temperature of 325? As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. These coconut chocolate chip cookies are packed with coconut flavor and will fill your kitchen with the wonderful aroma of chocolate and coconut. With this cookie I actually went with 2 different styles – one with just coconut in it and the other with mini chocolate … Cindy Rahe is the recipe maker and picture taker behind Hungry Girl por Vida. I have come to a realization in my search for the perfect chocolate chip cookie… 2 cups all-purpose flour Beating the toasted coconut into the butter and sugar helps intensify that coconut flavor throughout the cookies. Of course if for some reason they are underbaked for you, I recommend baking them for a minute or two longer (they should still be slightly under baked when you take them out as they continue to cook on the baking sheet and it also helps with chewiness). Pull up a chair! Instructions In a small bowl, whisk together the flour and baking soda; set aside. Add in the coconut extract if desired, then add in the vanilla extract. Heat oven to 375 degrees F. Sift together the flour, salt, and baking soda in a mixing bowl. New favorite! Hehe! These delicious snacks are the chocolate chip cookie you know and love but with better “for you” ingredients like Almonds, Dark Chocolate made with 55% Cacao and Coconut Oil. I followed the directions exactly, and they turned out amazing, perfectly crispy. Thin and crispy chocolate chip cookies are the Pringles of dessert, so rich and crunchy and light that it's hard to stop at half a dozen, let alone one. Perfect combo. I use Bob's Red Mill brown sugar and all high quality ingredients. However, Step 4 does not differentiate brown sugar from white sugar. … Stir frequently. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. I am wondering if they would be successful with much less sugar? But, don’t dive, because crispy chocolate chip cookies are hard. Combine the dry ingredients: Whisk the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt together in a … Absolutely the easiest thin and crispy chocolate chip cookies. Could you explain what toasting the coconut does in terms of flavor? Thank you for sharing! These were great. These coconut chocolate chip cookies are like biting into a buttery piece of coconut heaven. The most significant thing I learned from your recipe was to use coconut extract. I preferred them this way instead. If not, you might want to try my salted caramel stuffed cookies, cinnamon roll cookies, or even my German chocolate cookies. 1/2 teaspoon sea salt Thank goodness, because it gives you some relief from the addictive buttery crunch of the cookie. Fold in the chocolate chips by hand. ","position":2,"name":"Sift the flour, baking powder and salt together...","url":"https:\/\/\/coconut-chocolate-chip-cookies-recipe\/#mv_create_647_2"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Cream the butter, both sugars, and toasted coconut until the mixture is light and the coconut flavor is infused with the butter - about an additional 4 - 5 minutes. All photos and content are copyright protected. ","position":8,"name":"Line the balls on the parchment paper about...","url":"https:\/\/\/coconut-chocolate-chip-cookies-recipe\/#mv_create_647_8"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Allow to sit on the baking sheet for a minute before transferring to a wire rack, then allow to cool completely. Allow to cool. Hope you're able to respond. I think there’s too much sugar in this recipe, though. We’re here to help you put dinner (and breakfast and lunch) on the table with less stress and more joy. Will definitely be making more with lesser sugar! ","position":1,"name":"Place the coconut in a skillet and toast...","url":"https:\/\/\/coconut-chocolate-chip-cookies-recipe\/#mv_create_647_1"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Sift the flour, baking powder and salt together in a medium bowl. There was a time in my life when I bought coconut everything. Allow to sit on the baking sheet for a minute before transferring to a wire rack, then allow to cool completely. Thank you for sharing :). Crisp outside and beautifully chewy on the inside with warm coconut throughout. Too much sugar and WAY too long a bake time, even at 325. These look amazing, can't wait to try. btw, I found the bake time to be just right. The puddles baked well but it took longer than 18 min. Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Skillet Cookie, “Spooky” Cinnamon Sugar Flour Tortilla Crisps, Brookies (Chocolate Chip Brownie Cookies), Read more about our affiliate linking policy, "Spooky" Cinnamon Sugar Flour Tortilla Crisps. They are tooo sweet- 2 cups of sugar for less then 2 cups of flower!Need to add another cioccolate chips- too little. Certainly, the Tate's Bake Shop brand has come a long … I am shocked that anybody could bake these for 18 minutes and not get charcoal. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 4 Beat in the eggs: Beat in the eggs one at a time, followed by the vanilla, until combined and smooth. © Amanda Powell Tag me @acookienameddesire and use the hashtag #acookienameddesire Don't forget to purchase the Cozy Baking eBook!! Cook Time: Each box contains 6 individually wrapped portion packs of three Artisan Thin Cookies that are 100 Calories or less. Add eggs and vanilla and beat until thoroughly incorporated. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Due to other reviews I cut the brown sugar down to 3/4 c, and sprinkled tops with sea salt. So… maybe save the diving for these softer gluten free oat flour chocolate chip cookies. Sorry, our subscription service is unavailable. Thanks! Preheat oven to 350 degrees. I did mine with just pecans no chocolate and I ate them all which is rare. Thank you so much! I am fixing it now! By popular demand, Dark Chocolate Coconut THINSTERS are back! I would describe these cookies as crunchy, not crispy. Maybe decrease the sugars by about a 1/4 cup. Really good cookie! First published: 4/22/2014, Updated 2/5/2018. 3 Combine the butter and sugars: In a mixing bowl or using a stand mixer with a paddle attachment, mix the melted butter and sugars together on medium speed just until combined (don't cream them like you do with other recipes. Since I cream and beat ingredients entirely by hand, the timeline is longer for me, but well worth the effort. Perhaps an ingredient was forgotten. Beat in … Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Very very good! I love these cookies they are so delicious, Made them tonight and they are now my favorite cookie ever. Crispy, thin chocolate chip cookies are the underdog of the cookie world.It's easy to find people who love chewy and gooey treats, but crunchy ones immediately make you think of scorched cookies … 8 Cool the cookies: Cool the cookies on the sheet pans for about 5 minutes before removing to a baking rack to cool. A delicious twist on the chocolate chip cookie! Thin and Crispy Chocolate Chip Cookies are made with brown butter, a combination of brown sugar and white sugar, and semi-sweet chunks and chips. Line 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside. I used the lesser amount, and cut out 1/4 cup of the white as well. I refrigerated the rest overnight and baked them at 350 for about 8 minutes. 1 1/2 cups shredded unsweetened coconut 3/4 cup sugar Go to my archive for all my cookie recipes! It is really important to use unsweetened shredded coconut as you will get a more pronounced coconut flavor this way. I'd love to see how it turned out! Hello! The best way to thin chocolate is with the addition of a fat. Love how the addition of coconut automatically "summer-fies" these classic cookies! 1/2cup xtra chips! New go to recipe. Print A chocolate chip cookie … The only difference I made was I had a 10oz pkg of mint choc chips and used those… the whole bag. How to Make Ice Cream without an Ice Cream Maker. The extract also gave the cookies the aroma I've been looking to get. Roll the cookie dough into balls that are 2 tablespoons big. I love these cookies! Beat well between each addition. Read more about our affiliate linking policy. . The exact amount of oil you will need will depend on the … Other recipes, yes–it can matter a lot! I've been making these coconut chocolate chip cookies since my college days when I swore I wanted to learn how to make all the things and be more like Martha. / Plug-in air fresheners, lotions, beauty products, and any coconut-flavored bit of food took all of my budget as a college student. It is what makes these coconut chocolate chip cookies amazing. My deliciously thin vegan chocolate chip cookies … They may also be puffed in the centers but will deflate as they cool. Add in the coconut extract if desired, then add in the vanilla extract.Slowly add the flour in thirds until it is fully incorporated in the batter. The toasting is supposed to bring out the oils in the coconut and intensify the flavor of the coconut - at least this is the theory! Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F). Did you make this recipe? Bravo and thank you. I doubt that I will ever try another chocolate chip recipe again. The semi-sweet chocolate chips don’t become puddles, as is the trend right now in the world of chocolate chip cookies, but are dispersed throughout the batter. Add the eggs, one at a time to the batter. If you want them even softer, you can adjust the recipe … Line the balls on the parchment paper about 2 inches apart and bake for about 10 - 12 minutes, or until the edges are golden and crispy. In a separate bowl, combine salt, baking … More like 8 minutes! The thing is, even with the coconut oil, pulsed coconut pieces and the coconut extract the cookies aren’t really that sweet. What you are going to love about these coconut chocolate chip cookies is that they are irresistibly chewy with crisp, buttery edges. Making them again today! They turned out PERFECT!! Store in an airtight container for up to a week. These coconut chocolate chip cookies are everything. Pecans sound like a great addition!! Did you know you can save this recipe and order the ingredients for. A perfect chewy chocolate chip cookie! the crisp, the texture and the taste was awesome! The dough will be very soft, but that’s okay, as it will firm up a bit as it sits at room temperature. I love to eat them frozen. I have a serious love affair with coconut. Thanks for this great recipe! ","position":7,"name":"Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line...","url":"https:\/\/\/coconut-chocolate-chip-cookies-recipe\/#mv_create_647_7"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Line the balls on the parchment paper about 2 inches apart and bake for about 10 - 12 minutes, or until the edges are golden and crispy. Yield: These cookies are thin around the edges and crispy all the way through. Made this over the weekend and they turned out great! The sweetness is overpowering, I must admit I was cvery worried when I saw the amount of sugar in the bowl. Love coconut! 18 minutes burned the bottoms of almost half of my first batch, but my rack may have been a little too close to the bottom. Stir frequently. In a large bowl, cream butter and sugars. Crisp outside and beautifully chewy on the inside with warm coconut throughout. Add in the coconut extract if desired, then add in the vanilla extract. 1 cup packed brown sugar, preferably dark sugar. For a Limited Time only you can get our toasted coconut cookies enrobed with rich, dark chocolate! The only thing I don’t like about the recipe is it doesn’t say whether the melted butter needs to be cooled before mixing with sugars. Thank you for the PERFECT chocolate chip cookie recipe. I over-filled my tablespoon, so some of them came out too big, but if you follow the instructions better than I did, they’ll be perfect. I never quite got over how much I love coconut since then. Total Time: Store the baked and cooled cookies in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days. A lower oven temperature and patience are keys to the success with these cookies—along with lots of butter (let’s be real). Thanks so much! ","position":9,"name":"Allow to sit on the baking sheet for...","url":"https:\/\/\/coconut-chocolate-chip-cookies-recipe\/#mv_create_647_9"}],"keywords":"coconut, chocolate chip","nutrition":{"@type":"NutritionInformation","calories":"188 calories","carbohydrateContent":"36 grams carbohydrates","cholesterolContent":"23 milligrams cholesterol","fatContent":"8 grams fat","fiberContent":"2 grams fiber","proteinContent":"3 grams protein","saturatedFatContent":"6 grams saturated fat","servingSize":"1 cookie","sodiumContent":"122 grams sodium","sugarContent":"23 grams sugar","transFatContent":"0 grams trans fat","unsaturatedFatContent":"2 grams unsaturated fat"},"aggregateRating":{"@type":"AggregateRating","ratingValue":"4.7","reviewCount":15},"url":"https:\/\/\/coconut-chocolate-chip-cookies-recipe\/"} I wound up raising temp to 375 and baking longer which corrected it but now I'm not sure if I should bake at 350 or 375. It is also not chemically altered in any way, which is something that makes me feel good about using it. These cookies can be stored at room temperature in an airtight container for several days. Previous coconut chocolate chip cookie recipes I've tried have not included this ingredient so I never used it and never wound up with a truly coconut tasting cookie. mmm coconut chocolate chips cookies. Cream the butter, both sugars, and toasted coconut until the mixture is light and the coconut flavor is infused with the butter - about an additional 4 - 5 minutes. Allow to cool.Sift the flour, baking powder and salt together in a medium bowl.Cream the butter, both sugars, and toasted coconut until the mixture is light and the coconut flavor is infused with the butter - about an additional 4 - 5 minutes.Add the eggs, one at a time to the batter. That makes a big difference, Usually we stipulate that in the recipe ingredients listing, so perhaps we need to add it here. They have a deeply burnished taste, almost like buttery toffee. Hi, Jay! Tate's Bake Shop Chocolate Chip Cookies. The cookies are tasty. These were definitely lovely and crunchy but they are so sweet they made me feel sick. 20 minutes These thin and crispy chocolate chip cookies taste just like Tate’s Bakeshop Cookies from the bright green bag! When it is toasted and beaten with the butter and sugar, the coconut flavor should infuse within the ingredients. She raved about them. But I would ask to preheat oven AFTER letting us know to chill the dough. 1 1/2 sticks (3/4 cup) unsalted butter, room temperature Please do not use our photos without prior written permission. I'm a huge fan of coconut in choc chip cookies! The chopped chocolate gives you flecks of chocolate in every bite as well as pockets of warm, pools of chocolate. In a large bowl, cream together the butter, brown sugar and white sugar until light and fluffy. I always recommend everyone try my s'mores stuffed cookies, but my brownie-stuffed chocolate chip cookies are also amazing. Serving Size: 1 cookie Your email address will not be published. Yield: 18 12 minutes burned mine and I have an oven thermometer to make sure it’s correct in there. Re: the weight and volume of the brown sugar, did you pack it into the cup? Thank you! 7 Bake the cookies: Bake the cookies, one sheet at a time, in the center of the oven for about 18 minutes per batch. Dough was way too soft and never formed up. This recipe is a keeper. Ohhhhhhh, I wish I would not have found this recipe, because these are SERIOUSLY DELISH! Ingredients on Amazon. Roll the cookie dough into balls that are 2 tablespoons big. This post may contain links to Amazon or other partners; your purchases via these links can benefit Simply Recipes. I only baked a couple of cookies using the method described. Me and my whole family loved these!!! Add. It’s possible the cookies won’t be *quite* as thin or crispy, though. These are fantastic! 2 teaspoon vanilla extract Thinsters are crispy, crunchy cookies that boost your mood with bursts of flavor. Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookies are filled with Chocolate chips, coconut flakes and vanilla baked into a golden brown, bakery quality chewy cookie that’s ready to eat in about 20 minutes. If you have, then you probably know that they are crazy delicious. Please let me know how they turn out if you make them! To really ensure maximum crispness, I add a packet of silica gel to the container to absorb any extra moisture. So I tried this recipe next and my family loved them. 2 Combine the dry ingredients: Whisk the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt together in a bowl and set to the side. Brown sugar makes a cookie chewy, white sugar makes it crispy, so the amounts should be more like reversed, not as stated. Beat well between each addition. Allow to cool. I measured out the 200 grams, which was also specified at 1 cup. Fold in the chocolate chips by hand. Prep Time: These look great! If you try it, let us know who much sugar you use, and how it worked! Calories: 188Total Fat: 8gSaturated Fat: 6gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 2gCholesterol: 23mgSodium: 122mgCarbohydrates: 36gFiber: 2gSugar: 23gProtein: 3g These are fantastic. Place the coconut in a skillet and toast until most of the coconut is a light golden brown. 1/2 teaspoon coconut extract (optional) Sift the flour, baking powder and salt together in a medium bowl. Add oil, butter, or shortening to thin a small amount of chocolate. Also, they seemed just a tad too buttery but otherwise, awesome!!!! Nutrition Information: ","position":5,"name":"Slowly add the flour in thirds until it...","url":"https:\/\/\/coconut-chocolate-chip-cookies-recipe\/#mv_create_647_5"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Chill the dough in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, preferably 1 - 2 hours or overnight. Everyone has their own preference for chocolate chip cookies, be it chewy, soft, crispy, or a combination of all three. Usually, I prefer the classic chewy-gooey-in-the-middle and crisp-around-the-edges kind of chocolate chip cookie, but these crispy chocolate chip cookies are an exception. i tried even though I'm accustomed to 375 for most cookie recipes and the cookies were underbaked. Said they were as good as ones she sometimes purchases. If you only have sweetened shredded coconut, I would recommend adding just half a teaspoon of coconut extract to help intensify the coconut flavor - although using coconut extract with the unsweetened coconut won't hurt you at all. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. They will be brown around the edges and lightly golden in the center when they are done. She loves to bake from scratch and make things that taste as good as they look. Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies You know, the unassuming-looking chocolate chip cookies packaged in a green roll-top bag that you can find at the grocery store? Sent a batch to my sister-in-law’s. Fold in the chocolate chips by hand.Chill the dough in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, preferably 1 - 2 hours or overnight.Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. American Thanks for waiting. Slowly add the flour in thirds until it is fully incorporated in the batter. Oven-baked with real butter and real sugar, dipped in velvety smooth dark chocolate … Tag me @acookienameddesire and use the hashtag #acookienameddesire Don't forget to purchase the Cozy Baking eBook!! There’s also a higher ratio of butter and sugar than many chocolate chip cookie recipes. I tried making these cookies yesterday. This post may contain affiliate links. Amount Per Serving: A little bit too sweet but so worth it. Have these ingredients delivered or schedule pickup SAME DAY! Coconut sugar is 100% natural and doesn’t contain any artificial flavours and preservatives. Along with a longer bake in a lower oven, give these cookies the toffee-like flavor that is one of its signature features. I use a little extra leavening in the form of baking soda to make the cookies rise and fall which helps with spreading and crisping as well. Required fields are marked *. Beat on medium speed about 2 minutes or until evenly creamed. I would not make these again. Please try again later. Amazing! I'd love to see how it turned out! I made for practice thanksgiving dinner and so crispy and fun! How did your cookies turn out? I’m not sure why they were puddles. They've always been pretty popular among my friends and my family. Hi and thank you so much for your response! First time commenting? or just bake longer? Chill the dough in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, preferably 1 - 2 hours or overnight. ","position":6,"name":"Chill the dough in the refrigerator for at...","url":"https:\/\/\/coconut-chocolate-chip-cookies-recipe\/#mv_create_647_6"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Picture the "Homer Simpson drool.....". Cuisine: These cookies are absolutely delicious – they came out exactly as promised. Your comment may need to be approved before it will appear on the site. I practically LIVE for chocolate......and coconut is piggy-backing on it. You're photography is beautiful! They came out crispy rather than crunchy. The dough should’ve still been spoonable. Instructions. 15 minutes Amanda, I love the combination of coconut with chocolate- I need to try this out! You are right, thank you for pointing that out! The cookies spread slightly, puff up just a tad, the chocolate chips begin to soften, and the coconut flakes melt into the dough forming the most perfect crispy, chewy, coconut chocolate chip cookie … Brown sugar measurement is not correct either. I’m a recent convert to Tate’s bake shop so to find a wonderful cooky that is identical (actually better because there’s no preservatives or dough enhancers). If you are baking for the holidays, you will love my cookie wreath. Place the coconut in a skillet and toast until most of the coconut is a light golden brown. Awesome! And you are right, as Cindy says in the post above the recipe: “There’s…a higher ratio of butter and sugar than many chocolate chip cookie recipes.” It’s part of what makes them spread out and get so thin and toffee-like. Learn how your comment data is processed. My waistline may not love these, but I sure do. And perfect at 18Min. In a medium sized bowl whisk together the flour, baking soda, and salt; set aside. I was always perplexed about why the coconut flakes didn't infuse the batter with coconut flavor. Coconut and chocolate go way back, as you may remember from our Cowboy Cookies and our Chocolate-Dipped Coconut … Super thin and crispy! I did add in some pecans to it and i love them. So I'll be using the extract from now on whether the flakes are sugar coated or plain. Your email address will not be published. And crunchy. 18 cookies Please review the Comment Policy. Notes Mix in egg, milk, and vanilla until creamy. Don't skip the coconut extract. Category: dessert Obsessed with helping people live life sweetly with delicious food to share with the special people in your life and creating lasting memories. It's all about baking your cookies low and slow. I agree with you that sometimes the coconut is still too subtle which is why I recommend the extract. The cookies taste like chocolate chip cookies, minus chocolate chips, plus strong coconut flavor. on Amazon, $14.99 I bake these at a lower oven temperature for a longer time to ensure they spread a little to create that delicate crisp edge and so they can bake all the way through to crunchy perfection. Coconut sugar has a rich caramel note, which could be why my oldest daughter thought these Chocolate Chip Cookies … Great title too! In regard to the temperature, I typically bake all my cookies at 325 degrees, but for this particular recipe I bake them at 325 because for me, it is supposed to help preserve some of the natural coconut flavor. I know I'll love making these....even if I eat everything before I have the chance! It did not stop me from coming up with a homemade version, however. Yes, you may reduce the sugar. ","position":4,"name":"Add the eggs, one at a time to...","url":"https:\/\/\/coconut-chocolate-chip-cookies-recipe\/#mv_create_647_4"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Slowly add the flour in thirds until it is fully incorporated in the batter. $299.94 35 minutes At my store, I was able to locate these thin Benton’s Chocolate Chip cookies at $2.39 for a 4-ounce bag, or 60 cents an ounce. 1 Preheat the oven to 325°F. Have tried several other recipes but nothing quite as good as this one. I must try it next time!! on Amazon, See price 6 Scoop out the cookies: Using a small cookie scoop or a tablespoon measure, scoop the dough onto the prepared baking sheets, leaving several inches of space between the cookies to allow for spreading (I used about 6 per sheet). ","position":3,"name":"Cream the butter, both sugars, and toasted coconut...","url":"https:\/\/\/coconut-chocolate-chip-cookies-recipe\/#mv_create_647_3"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Add the eggs, one at a time to the batter. It's a style best personified by Tate's, a brand that goes easy on the chocolate chips to shift focus to the buttery, butterscotchy crunch of the cookie … In a stand mixer, cream the brown sugar, butter and granulated sugar until pale and fluffy, about 5 … Sorry to hear these cookies are not your style. My son and I can demolish a package of these in no time at all, which is totally dangerous and led to me banning myself from buying them. Baker, photographer, and sometimes world traveler behind A Cookie Named Desire. Beat well between each addition. Stir frequently. hubby loved them and so did I. This is my favorite:-) yummy. The coconut adds the most amazing sweet nuttiness to this otherwise traditional cookie. Arrange portions on a parchment-lined half-sheet pan (do not use a silicone mat), leaving about 2 or … Instead of aiming for an under-baked center, like we sometimes do with chewier versions, we want these cookies to bake until they’re done through the center and become thin and deeply browned around the edges, but not burnt. Mix in the chocolate chips on low or using a spatula, by hand. Plus, they're made with real butter, real sugar, and they're real good.
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