yet i'm particular in case you injected organic grain alcohol into your viens you will possibly maximum truthfully overdose and in all likelihood die with out instantaneous clinical suggestions. You actually excrete a certain amount of alcohol out of your lungs. For the procedure, you'll lie on your back with your legs slightly elevated. What happens if you hit a vein injecting for diabetes. the final instruction … A student nurse who mistakenly injected coffee into the veins of an 80-year-old patient who died hours later has defended herself by saying 'anyone can get confused'. A US doctor answered Learn more. That means that if you are right-handed, you will probably inject in your left arm and vice versa. (under strict medical supervision of course). A Verified Doctor answered. Now, im not talking about using a bottle of wine and a needle - but in THEORY, could i get drunk if i inject as much as a few drops of pure alcohol into my veins. When you drink the alcohol is slowly taken into your blood stream over a period of time. You also have to think about the dangers of using needles and the risk of hepatitis and other such diseases. What happens if you inject alcohol into a vein? After cleansing the area to be treated with alcohol, your doctor will use a fine needle to slowly insert a solution into the appropriate vein. If you inject it into your vein you will get instant results as it will reach your heart and brain in a manner of seconds. Keep in mind that the blood is flowing upwards towards your heart, even though you've got the syringe pushed in perpendicular at a weird 90 degree angle. The general guideline for a BAC (Blood alcohol content) that causes death by … Alcohol: Is a strong sclerosing agent, namely it will close the veins. The most common site for injection is in a person’s non-dominant arm. Dont vary, im not gonna do it, im just curious. Other common locations of injection include the back of the knee joint, the groin, and the veins that are on top of your … '” Let’s … But I am sure if you injected pure grain alcohol into your viens you would most certainly overdose and probably die without immediate medical assistance. Supposedly band contributors from Aerosmith claimed to are starting to be to be so desperate for a severe that they slammed alcohol. ... What happens if you inject alcohol in to a vein. “How dumb would you have to be to interpret it as, ‘he was asking the public should you inject bleach and isopropyl alcohol into your veins? It is used by some for what is called a-v malformations. if you think about it for a sec,the reason why you get drunk is that alcohol begins to flow through your veins. if you get an enema bag fill it with alcohol and the give yourself an alcohol enema, you get drunk faster than putting a needle in your veins. injecting alcohol into your veins i assume you mean the kind you drink will have the same results as drinking it. Once registered in the vein, you may start injecting as usual, either one-handed or you can take your other hand off the artery to help steady your needle as you do the shot. Your “secondary liver” is your brain. On a side note, IV alcohol is actually used to treat ethylene glycol (antifreeze) poisoning. If you did it slowly enough, you’d get intoxicated pretty rapidly, but you’d survive*. On the other hand, if you were to inject it quickly, your secondary liver will attempt to process it. i have a suggestion. uncertain what form although. Breathalyzers measure this, and calculate the level of alcohol in your blood, it doesn't matter how you took the alcohol.